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Nothing comes as satisfaction

Автор: Мурзин Алексей Николаевич

Nothing comes as satisfaction,

When you're feeling sad.

Everything is a distraction,

And the day is bad.

It's so hard to find perfection,

In the world of fakes.

Nothing now is an attraction,

And you keep loosing faith.

Pull the trigger for a resurrection,

If the world is cruel.

Don't seek for wi-fi connection,

It's a trap for fools.

If I only knew, that it's easy,

I would find a way.

Don't consider me that queasy,

We are all betrayed.

In the club of twenty-seven

You would like to be.

But you'd prefer to live forever,

When you are 33.

To be put on cross for ages,

Treated as their God.

But if they don't get their wages,

They'll sell you as a slut.

Politics speak very cheesy,

To calm down the war.

But the problems are increasing,

They do them ignore.

If I only knew, that it's easy,

I would find a way.

Don't consider me that queasy,

Everyone is betrayed.

As this world is coarsed by aliens,

No one comes to stay.

Just the perfect guy "Jack Daniels"

Helps us on this way.

Should I be already bothered,

Or how I should treat that?

When new boyfriend of my mother,

Keep trying to be my dad.

Or when my another person,

Comes to rule my mind.

When Fortune treats me as her son,

But she's still so blind.

Why those who suffer from cancer,

Hiding stains of blood.

There will never be an answer,

It's a modern art.

If I only knew, that it's easy,

I would find a way.

Don't consider me that queasy,

Everyone is betrayed.

As this world is coarsed by aliens,

No one comes to stay.

Just the perfect guy "Jack Daniels"

Helps us on this way.

Произведения / Стихи.ру
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Источник: Facebook

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