The union of two souls
Автор: Светлана Уэсли
On opposite sides of the world
Were separated with the goal
To find the love as strong
As the one in past lived so long
To believe the warmth sudden
Will cover constant shadow
Not to know but to imagine
All power of it be charged
On opposite sides of the world
Were sent but our souls hold
Wasn't gone and they have met
For "I do" to be again said
No sanctuary in a ceremony
Passion was is we need
Love of your soul with mine
Is stronger than the World around
From now on and forever
Through moment of that endeavour
Days, years, internally, believe
The union of two souls will live
Оригинал -
On opposite sides of the world
Were separated with the goal
To find the love as strong
As the one in past lived so long
To believe the warmth sudden
Will cover constant shadow
Not to know but to imagine
All power of it be charged
On opposite sides of the world
Were sent but our souls hold
Wasn't gone and they have met
For "I do" to be again said
No sanctuary in a ceremony
Passion was is we need
Love of your soul with mine
Is stronger than the World around
From now on and forever
Through moment of that endeavour
Days, years, internally, believe
The union of two souls will live
Оригинал -
Произведения / Стихи.ру
Источник: Вконтакте
Источник: Одноклассники
Источник: Facebook
Произведения / Стихи.ру
Источник: Вконтакте
Источник: Одноклассники
Источник: Facebook
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