Автор: Анна Моргачёва
Yesterday I came home
after a long day of roaming
which felt like a hundred
of lonely years.
Yesterday I came home
to find that all the lilies
had died away
in a vase of Aspirin enhanced water.
Yesterday I came home
and saw the petals
of my hopes and dreams
all dead on the table.
Cloying scent of carnations
filled my lungs -
or was it just sorrow?
I took a jug and filled a glass
with water - so I thought -
and when I started drinking,
I realised that it was nothing
but pure loneliness.
I couldn't finish it
because it tasted
like lilies' blood.
Yesterday I came home
to find a lot of things:
Some ornaments of blue and white
some candy of comforting words -
in the far corner of a drawer,
some scraps of long forgotten promises,
some withered smiles
in sepia-old photographs.
But you were nowhere.
Yesterday I came home
and I didn't find
Yesterday I came home
after a long day of roaming
which felt like a hundred
of lonely years.
Yesterday I came home
to find that all the lilies
had died away
in a vase of Aspirin enhanced water.
Yesterday I came home
and saw the petals
of my hopes and dreams
all dead on the table.
Cloying scent of carnations
filled my lungs -
or was it just sorrow?
I took a jug and filled a glass
with water - so I thought -
and when I started drinking,
I realised that it was nothing
but pure loneliness.
I couldn't finish it
because it tasted
like lilies' blood.
Yesterday I came home
to find a lot of things:
Some ornaments of blue and white
some candy of comforting words -
in the far corner of a drawer,
some scraps of long forgotten promises,
some withered smiles
in sepia-old photographs.
But you were nowhere.
Yesterday I came home
and I didn't find
Произведения / Стихи.ру
Источник: Вконтакте
Источник: Одноклассники
Источник: Facebook
Произведения / Стихи.ру
Источник: Вконтакте
Источник: Одноклассники
Источник: Facebook
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