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8R- Intoxicated eyes

Автор: Кэтрин Рэк

Verse 1:

Night streets are full of neon lights,

Smell of fleeting love and intoxicated eyes.

You took off shoes and ripped tights,

Wiped the tears away, calmed the soul cries.

I picked you up near the bar late last week.

You've been a lover of drinking and crazy ride.

I wanted to snuggle up to your pale cheek.

Wanted to ask you to be my bride.

You were like a naughty chick,

Who is straining to survive.

I was like a wild hick,

Who is chasing for a good life.


No more hesitation!

I walked up to you and asked:

-Think I have a chance?

You said:

-Interesting situation...

Why we talk when we can dance?!


I took you by the hand and the ground

went from under my feet. Head around,

head around, head around. I've found you.

Loud sound, loud sound, loud sound,

loud sound. Dark blue background.

I was bound to meet you.

You've torn down my mind,

I want to rip you evening gown.

You've given me a fair wind,

I want to love you all over town.

Verse 2:

Night streets are full of languid sighs,

Smells of those who reject and despise.

They want to achieve incredible heights,

Swim in the mud trying to reach the skies.

I looked at you and smiled serenely,

You smoked and swayed from side to side.

Expressed obscenely, behaved queenly,

I was wondering what burns you up inside.

With every move, I feel your magical energy,

My blind heart had begun to see clearly,

I'm shaking 'cause you touch me tenderly.


We do not need to suffer amnesiac,

We do not need to suffer insomnia,

I'm not afraid to get under attack,

While you're dancing with me.


I took you by the hand and the ground

went from under my feet. Head around,

head around, head around. I've found you.

Loud sound, loud sound, loud sound,

loud sound. Dark blue background.

I was bound to meet you.

We danced to this same song,

It seemed a lifetime ago.

You're an alien from the past,

Wait, don't run so fast, so fast.

Verse 3:

We wanted to find own better half,

Took pictures and made each other laugh.

A broken heart isn't a reason to give up,

Lost faith isn't reason to reject the saints.

What will happen when dawn will come?

When we drink up the bottle of Jamaican Rum...

What will happen when a tramp ceases to strum?

When the poet will cry, leaving native slums...

What's holding us back?

Are we able only to wrack?

Forget the soulful cracks,

Until the sounds our track.

We don't need another heart attack...


What will happen to us?

What will happen to us?

This story is about us

or not, about us?


I took you by the hand and the ground

went from under my feet. Head around,

head around, head around. I've found you.

Loud sound, loud sound, loud sound,

loud sound. Dark blue background.

I was bound to meet you.

You've torn down my mind,

I want to rip you evening gown.

You've given me a fair wind,

I want to love you all over town.

The morning comes, but the night is not over.

Stay with me. I hope you will hold me forever.

Love me tonight, younger than we now will not ever.

Stay with me, when this sleep is over,

Stay with me, when this night is over,

Stay with me, when this life is over,

I will hold you in my heart forever.

More than love,

Less than friendship.

More than friendship,

Less than love.

Tell me, what is it?

Night streets are full of neon lights,

Smell of fleeting love and intoxicated eyes.
Произведения / Стихи.ру
Источник: Вконтакте
Источник: Одноклассники
Источник: Facebook

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