So long, Sacramento
Автор: Елена Шай
so long, Sacramento and Tower Bridge,
returning moments Gold Rush in thin ridge
of my sleeping thoughts, my soul white spots.
so long, Sacramento, I was being lost.
I was being lost between light and darkness.
my hands were crossed with yours, my heartless,
when we roamed the streets, roamed the alleys.
I remember your smell, but not our names.
but not our names… are somewhere in cafe
of Old Sacramento, of town-Baye.
and round. and round, heaven and blue
we get off the ground, my Wandering Jew.
so long, Sacramento, so long as we love,
remember that moment… I saw a white dove.
I saw a white dove among the red leaves…
so long, Sacramento, farewell caprice.
so long, Sacramento and Tower Bridge,
returning moments Gold Rush in thin ridge
of my sleeping thoughts, my soul white spots.
so long, Sacramento, I was being lost.
I was being lost between light and darkness.
my hands were crossed with yours, my heartless,
when we roamed the streets, roamed the alleys.
I remember your smell, but not our names.
but not our names… are somewhere in cafe
of Old Sacramento, of town-Baye.
and round. and round, heaven and blue
we get off the ground, my Wandering Jew.
so long, Sacramento, so long as we love,
remember that moment… I saw a white dove.
I saw a white dove among the red leaves…
so long, Sacramento, farewell caprice.
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Произведения / Стихи.ру
Источник: Вконтакте
Источник: Одноклассники
Источник: Facebook
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