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You put my heart into the mew! -

I got myself to sit on pew,

But Priest just said "Get out of here,

I won't you clear"

I stood up, clothed my pants, and left

(I thought its better being naked,

But Priest just said "Get off you prick,

I'm almost sick")

Oh God, please help me! I'm in love!

She's fucking nightmare and also's dove!

But God just said "I cannot help,

You do aloud yelp"

...I woke up, pulled up alarm clock,

Got stumbled of my yelping dog,

Then read a message on my phone -

My mother-in-law is coming home!

My wife is also coming home!!

Their vacation has fucking gone!!!

I've got a pacifier for yellin' son,

But still also thinking about his coming mom.

When will i get a quiet? calm?

"You'll take it at rest", replied gnome...

...I got prepared to say 'hello' -

It's moving on.


dedicated to Blink-182 lyrics
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2018 - , ,

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2. 2018 , .