Автор: Фёдор Голосов
I have never written in English before,
So please be less strict to that you will explore...
That's party today for all people in love,
I'm proud of them: they are happy enough.
For others, who don't tend to share their heart
I've written my poem to work as a guard:
Remember, the Love is around the World,
Each being on surface of Earth is adored.
We still have some relatives, colleagues and friends,
Relations have usually positive trends.
So, let's just stop thinking that you are withdrawn,
Show all of your friends that they are not alone!
I hope it will help us keep calm nowadays
And fell that our love is controlling the space:)
I have never written in English before,
So please be less strict to that you will explore...
That's party today for all people in love,
I'm proud of them: they are happy enough.
For others, who don't tend to share their heart
I've written my poem to work as a guard:
Remember, the Love is around the World,
Each being on surface of Earth is adored.
We still have some relatives, colleagues and friends,
Relations have usually positive trends.
So, let's just stop thinking that you are withdrawn,
Show all of your friends that they are not alone!
I hope it will help us keep calm nowadays
And fell that our love is controlling the space:)
Произведения / Стихи.ру
Источник: Вконтакте
Источник: Одноклассники
Источник: Facebook
Произведения / Стихи.ру
Источник: Вконтакте
Источник: Одноклассники
Источник: Facebook
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