Seasons 2008
Автор: Кландестин
How gorgeous is the blossom smell,
I feel it now with every cell.
Young spring is laughing in my face,
Where time has left its bitter trace.
I like this summer greenery,
Blue sky and woodland scenery,
But burning sunbeams drive me mad,
I wish that it would rain instead.
And autumn will come,
It won’t take so long
Before the days are dull,
Before the sun is gone.
But no one understands
Why I hate this fall,
And it makes no sense
At all.
Still winter we cannot avoid,
And snow will hide our confidence.
It’s time to try to fill the void,
Pretending that life never ends.
How gorgeous is the blossom smell,
I feel it now with every cell.
Young spring is laughing in my face,
Where time has left its bitter trace.
I like this summer greenery,
Blue sky and woodland scenery,
But burning sunbeams drive me mad,
I wish that it would rain instead.
And autumn will come,
It won’t take so long
Before the days are dull,
Before the sun is gone.
But no one understands
Why I hate this fall,
And it makes no sense
At all.
Still winter we cannot avoid,
And snow will hide our confidence.
It’s time to try to fill the void,
Pretending that life never ends.
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Источник: Одноклассники
Источник: Facebook
Произведения / Стихи.ру
Источник: Вконтакте
Источник: Одноклассники
Источник: Facebook
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