Автор: Энди Мион
do I know
how it feels
to have the world against you
dull and unreal
like the decoration of life
and you within
this static?
stopped to believe there's anybody else
everything is so unfair
and there's nobody outthere
every person dissapears
or just you became invisible
powerful but so fragile
they don't seem to see nobody
Please don't ask me how do I know
what does it feel to be alone
I'm going to make this feeling gone
Forever from your life my love
I'm going to take you where you belong
To the bed of niveous clouds
I don't ask to believe me
Because I Know
You couldn't do wrong
I make this spell sing for you
And this is all I want
To be with you
Within this moment of falling snow
Sincere and sacred
And be happy to know
It makes you happier
do I know
how it feels
to have the world against you
dull and unreal
like the decoration of life
and you within
this static?
stopped to believe there's anybody else
everything is so unfair
and there's nobody outthere
every person dissapears
or just you became invisible
powerful but so fragile
they don't seem to see nobody
Please don't ask me how do I know
what does it feel to be alone
I'm going to make this feeling gone
Forever from your life my love
I'm going to take you where you belong
To the bed of niveous clouds
I don't ask to believe me
Because I Know
You couldn't do wrong
I make this spell sing for you
And this is all I want
To be with you
Within this moment of falling snow
Sincere and sacred
And be happy to know
It makes you happier
Произведения / Стихи.ру
Источник: Вконтакте
Источник: Одноклассники
Источник: Facebook
Произведения / Стихи.ру
Источник: Вконтакте
Источник: Одноклассники
Источник: Facebook
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