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do I know

how it feels

to have the world against you

dull and unreal

like the decoration of life

and you within

this static?

stopped to believe there's anybody else

everything is so unfair

and there's nobody outthere

every person dissapears

or just you became invisible

powerful but so fragile

they don't seem to see nobody

Please don't ask me how do I know

what does it feel to be alone

I'm going to make this feeling gone

Forever from your life my love

I'm going to take you where you belong

To the bed of niveous clouds

I don't ask to believe me

Because I Know

You couldn't do wrong

I make this spell sing for you

And this is all I want

To be with you

Within this moment of falling snow

Sincere and sacred

And be happy to know

It makes you happier

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: Facebook

2018 - , ,

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