What you are blaming me for?
Автор: Светлана Уэсли
What's my fault? Is that my love?
I couldn't stop it getting above
All of me. Is that me letting it
To stay in my heart with every beat?
Why are you blaming me still
That you can not forget what you feel
For you hundred troubles about getting over
I can give you thousands and
it won't be over
All my tries give only temporary result
Once I recall your image
I don't know how to stop
The memory from ruining all my fortresses
around you
The power of longing for your touch
is breaking through
What can I do? How can I help?
I DO desperately holding myself
From replying to you when you write
I pretend I don't care crying every night
I fight with myself and who do you fight?
Me? Because love still keeps you tight?
Or you just enjoy suffering and repeat
That you're wasting your life missing me?
It was not prove to me by you and you by me
That together we belong in your believe
I know you won't agree to that
But have you given it any longer thought?
May be I think too much, may be not
But to that decision we were together brought
I don't know If that road will let us meet again
With or without you it will be hard the same
Оригинал - http://www.stihi.ru/2017/02/19/6412
What's my fault? Is that my love?
I couldn't stop it getting above
All of me. Is that me letting it
To stay in my heart with every beat?
Why are you blaming me still
That you can not forget what you feel
For you hundred troubles about getting over
I can give you thousands and
it won't be over
All my tries give only temporary result
Once I recall your image
I don't know how to stop
The memory from ruining all my fortresses
around you
The power of longing for your touch
is breaking through
What can I do? How can I help?
I DO desperately holding myself
From replying to you when you write
I pretend I don't care crying every night
I fight with myself and who do you fight?
Me? Because love still keeps you tight?
Or you just enjoy suffering and repeat
That you're wasting your life missing me?
It was not prove to me by you and you by me
That together we belong in your believe
I know you won't agree to that
But have you given it any longer thought?
May be I think too much, may be not
But to that decision we were together brought
I don't know If that road will let us meet again
With or without you it will be hard the same
Оригинал - http://www.stihi.ru/2017/02/19/6412
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Произведения / Стихи.ру
Источник: Вконтакте
Источник: Одноклассники
Источник: Facebook
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