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Al-Nusra celebrated 6years anniversary of Syrian revolution with blood of opposition militants (PHOTOS 18+)

 Al-Nusra celebrated 6years anniversary of Syrian revolution with blood of opposition militants (PHOTOS 18+)

As it known, Haiyat Tahrir al-Sham, after uniting of Jabhat al-Nusra* terrorists and radicals from other groups, as well as formation of Faylak ar-Rahman and Ahrar al-Sham on March 19, decided to attack government troops.

They have started their attack by using jihad car-bomb in the Jobar district of Damascus city, with the purpose of creating corridor for the blocked militants in Kaboun district, which is in the north part of the city.

The leader of HTS Abu Jaber invoked other militants for this large-scale offensive linking it to the sixth anniversary of the revolution in the Syrian Arab Republic, but in fact bloodshed, provoked by revolutionaries in Syria 6 years ago.

In addition to military objectives, this offensive was also of a customized political nature. Opposition, sponsored by some of the Gulf countries and supported by Israel, at the Geneva talks on March 23 after a series of crushing defeats, should have had success on the battlefields and at the same time, it was necessary to show the futility of the ceasefire.

However, after four days of operation, the offensive in Jobar turned into the massacre of militants of opposition groups that have joined to the attack of terrorists by the foreign order and at the whims of their commanders.

There have been about 3,5 thousand militants and 900 of them were killed during 5 days.

Fortunately, in Eastern Gouta there were also adequate militants from Jaish al-Islam, who refused to support the offensive.

Moreover, against the background of the successful actions of government troops in the eastern part of Damascus, there were clashes between the militants of the Jaish al-Islam group and the Failak Ar-Rahman illegal armed formation in Eastern Gouta. Field commanders of the illegal armed formation Failak ar-Rahman accused Jaish al-Islam in unwillingness to participate in offensive and in refusing support with arms and ammunition.

Waves of suicide bombers and tanks: Al-Qaeda at its most powerful assault in Syria, captures new towns (PHOTOS, VIDE)

* A terrorist organization banned in Russia.

/ monavista.ru
: Facebook

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