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A girl wrote letter to God so He would save her from the Syrian militants (PHOTO)

 A girl wrote letter to God so He would save her from the Syrian militants (PHOTO)

Girl Sarah, blocked by terrorists in the Syrian city Kafriya wrote a letter to God. Little Syrian girl lives in a blocked city more than 2 years.

Translation of this letter:«Please, God, let me go to Sham (Damascus). I’m a little girl, Sarah.Please, God answer my prayer…

Please, God answer my prayer… 

Please, God answer my prayer…Let us go to Sham. God, answer the children’s praying.Signature (Little girl, Sarah).

The two cities of Al-Foaa and Kafriya, besieged by Islamist coalition «Jaish al-Fatah»* and terrorists «Jabhat al-Nusra»*, are subjected to genocide during two years (since 2015).

Leaders of the radical armed groups using them as hostages, threatening to expose settlements to massive bombardment if government troops will try to take the strategic town of Al-Zabadani in Damascus province.

According to recent reports, terrorists have toughened the blockade. There are many problems with food and medical supplies. Terrorists do not pass humanitarian convoys, while the Syrian army doesn’t prevent the delivery of similar goods in the held Zabadani.

Food and other necessities are delivered to citizens of Al-Foaa and Kafriya by air, but it is rather difficult to provide all necessary of several thousand people by this way.

At the moment terrorists, who have not acceded to the cessation of fire in Syria, continue to keep as a hostage thousands of women, children and the elderly. 

Hashtag #Save_Fua_Kefraya has been launched in Syria recentl to draw world’s attention to the troubles of these two cities.


* Terrorist organization banned in Russian Federation.

Архив новостей / monavista.ru
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