Against the stream
Автор: Светлана Уэсли
Against the steam, against it all
I take my road towards the goal
Hate and objection all around
But I go up, I stand my ground
Alarms, shouts, chase or anger
Won't catch me, I won't be taken
Too many years in doubt spend
To let me stay and keep pretend
One turn is sharper than the other
I can leave the road but I'd rather
Die on the way than quit
Against them all but I will keep
Hundreds of kilometres behind
Do not say sorry for being blind
I understand how hard it is
To accept what you thought
you never missed
Оригинал -
Against the steam, against it all
I take my road towards the goal
Hate and objection all around
But I go up, I stand my ground
Alarms, shouts, chase or anger
Won't catch me, I won't be taken
Too many years in doubt spend
To let me stay and keep pretend
One turn is sharper than the other
I can leave the road but I'd rather
Die on the way than quit
Against them all but I will keep
Hundreds of kilometres behind
Do not say sorry for being blind
I understand how hard it is
To accept what you thought
you never missed
Оригинал -
Произведения / Стихи.ру
Источник: Вконтакте
Источник: Одноклассники
Источник: Facebook
Произведения / Стихи.ру
Источник: Вконтакте
Источник: Одноклассники
Источник: Facebook
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